Jean-François Chatal is a Distinguished Professor of Nuclear Medicine at the University of Nantes, France. He has written 203 original papers and presented more than 150 invited lectures in his career, which began with the creation of a research team devoted to diagnostic and therapeutic use of radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies in oncology.

He served as head of the Nuclear Medicine Departments at the University Hospital and Cancer Centre in Nantes France. With two colleagues at the University of Nantes, Dr Chatal initiated the installation of a high energy/ high intensity cyclotron, termed ARRONAX, for the production of innovative radionuclides for nuclear medicine. To develop the economy of radionuclides produced by this cyclotron he contributed to the setting up of Naogen Pharma company by using his national and international relations associating recognized expertise in radiopharmaceutical development.

In total Jean-François Chatal, during his long academic career, initiated and realized several clinical trials using radiopharmaceutical agents and developed a network of national and international collaborations for diagnostic and therapeutic applications in nuclear medicine.