Philippe Cholet
A graduate of Audencia and a Certified Accountant, Philippe Cholet joined in 1980 the “Havraise des Petroles” group as CFO. A few years later he became General Manager of the group (70 companies, revenue of 300M€ and 2000 employees)
He created SIGMA in 1993 and SIGMA GESTION (management company certified AMF) in 2004.
SIGMA is a family-owned capital investment holding company. It owns stakes in more than 20 SMEs/SMIs (traditional firms and startups).
SIGMA GESTION is owned by SIGMA and its 3 top directors. The company manages an average of 200M€ collected through a network of Wealth Management Advisors and invests in an average of 30 funds (FIP, FCPI or FCPR). The company has helped fund 170 French SMEs/SMIs.
In the years 2005-2010, Philippe Cholet was also President of SAVELYS (now ENGIE HOME SERVICES). This large subsidiary of the ENGIE group specialized in the maintenance of energy equipment has 4200 employees and earns revenue of more than 400 million euros.
Philippe Cholet has a great and long experience as investor in a large variety of innovative companies.