Claude Cholet
Claude Cholet, a graduate of ESSCA business school in Angers France, took over in 1964, as head of the Sales Department at Comptoir des Plastiques from 1964 to 1968, a company specialized in the production of worksite signage.
In 1967 he purchased a small two-person company specialized in advertising signs for camping sites. He soon transformed the company into a specialist in interior signage for malls. 50 years later SITOUR is one of the 2 French leaders in PSA and interior signage for malls. In 1985 he created the first wireless electronic shelf labelling system, and the SITOUR subsidiary, SES (SITOUR ELECTRONIQUE SYSTEME) created in 1987 (company listed on the stock exchange) is now one of the 3 worldwide leaders of electronic shelf labels. SITOUR and SES represent approximately 300 employees and a revenue of 130 M€.
After his retirement in 2007, he launched a family-run holding company to act as a business angel to help young startup companies, leading to his involvement in Naogen Pharma and 8 other startups.